US Stocks Elliott Wave Technical Analysis Blog!
US Stocks Elliott Wave Theory in Action

November 2022
Elliott Wave charts by Alessio Barretta 4 Hour - We could have a potential ending diagonal in wave {v} as labelled. Looking for a harp move lower soon. HON Elliott Wave count:  Wave (v) of {v}. Daily - It has been moving as expected every since the last forecast. We are looking for a potential wave 4 to come soon to then be able to complete this five wave sequence into wave (1).
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Elliott Wave charts by Alessio Barretta 4 Hour - There’s a chance as you can see in the chart that we have five waves up into wave {c} already. Alternatively we could have just finished wave (iii) and be looking for one last move higher into wave (v). Daily - It has moved exactly as predicted from the previous forecast by moving higher into wave {c} of 2. At this point we could be close to the end of wave 2 and looking to resume lower.
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Elliott Wave charts by Alessio Barretta 4 Hour - Here’s a closer to at the subcount for wave {iv}. It appears to be a regular flat. As we stand right between the 50 and 38.2% fib retracement that’s the ideal area for a wave four to end. Daily - Looking for a wave {iv} to be completed anytime soon. The move down from around 86$ to 70$ is a three wave move therefore it cannot be wave {v}. ZM Elliott Wave Count:  Wave (c) of {iv}.
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Elliott Wave charts by Alessio Barretta 4 Hour - Placing longs with a stop below red line, looking for a short and potentially quick upmove in wave (v). Daily - Waiting for wave {ii} to place long term longs.
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