US Stocks: IBKR, NIO, SNAP, ICE, OKTA Elliott Wave Analysis 23 April 2021
This weeks best stock charts for you!
Interactive Brokers Inc.,
IBKR: Daily Chart, April 23 2021
IBKR moved down as predicted since the forecast on April 19th. The C wave is now in place as predicted and should continue lower. Members could have traded the downside with a short term position and now we are looking for further upside once the correction is completed.(IBKR_4_19)

Nio Inc
NIO: Daily Chart, April 23 2021
On April 19th I was expecting a triangle in wave 4 to take place, which provided members with a
great Risk to Reward ratio. The forecast has been successful so far, and we do expect a lot of further
upside to come. (NIO_4_19)

Snap Inc.,
SNAP: Daily Chart, April 23 2021
On April 19th we were expecting further downside to come to finish Minor 2 and we were not ready
to buy yet. We have been patient and it paid off. At this stage we may expect a reversal soon.

Intercontinental Exchange Inc.
ICE: Daily Chart, April 23 2021
On April 20th we said that the pullback in three could have been bought. Since the forecast we’ve
had pullback in 3 which in the Elliott Wave Theory means that we trend is still to the upside and
therefore further upside should be expect and it is indeed developing. (ICE_4_20)

Okta Inc.,
OKTA: Daily Chart, April 23 2021
On April 19th we said that we were to see if the pullbacks would have been in 3 or 5. If in 3 we suggested as always to look for long. The pullback came as you can see form today’s update and since
it was in 3 it then resumed to the upside as predicted. (OKTA_4_19)

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Education: Elliott Wave Structures
Elliott degrees in order: Grand Super cycle wave, Super cycle wave, Cycle wave, Primary wave, Intermediate wave, Minor wave, Minute wave, Minuette wave and Subminuette wave.
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This Elliott Wave Analysis is suitable for tracking the QQQ, dow jones DJI DJIA Emini (ES) SPY Futures Index, this video uses Contracts for Difference (CFDs) known as CFD Trading indices / Index trading.Technical Analysis Elliott wave and Trading Levels.
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Trading indices / Index trading. Technical Analysis Elliott wave and Trading Levels.